Sunday, April 20, 2014

Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. The Best Relationship Ever

The Best Relationship Ever

I am simply overcome by feelings of love and gratitude for my partner and the relationship we have created together.

I wrote this segment weeks ago, and am now posting it on the day of our housewarming party, Easter Sunday, 2014. George and I moved into this home together March 8, after signing a year-long lease. Today we celebrated with beautiful friends, delightful new neighbors, and delicious food.  

My heart is overflowing.

There was a period of time in which I had little interest in dating and was convinced I would never – ever – live – with – a man – again. Ever. As long as I lived.

But then something changed.

Into my life, at age 48, came the best partner I could hope for and by far the best relationship I have ever had.

We had both been married before for 12 years and divorced for several years. When neither of us were looking for a relationship, but both were open to one if it was a great one and Divinely inspired, the fire erupted and romance blossomed.

I feel so full of joy, grateful, hot, taken care of, happy to take care of, in sync, that I wish I could give everyone the magic bullet.

I’m sure everything George and I have both gone through in past relationships, and the inner work we have done on ourselves, brought us both to this point with Divine timing.

Yet all I can come up with for the magic bullet (after you get past the pheromone part and how you just want to curl up into the other’s body) is this. Two things.

1) We speak honestly and compassionately with each other from our hearts. About virtually everything.  

2) We each care deeply about the other’s feelings.

(And then there’s that little thing about how our astrology charts synchronize so nicely, but you would want to connect with David Mohler about that.)

Cheers to YOUR magic bullet in whatever area of your life you want it in. J I wish you all the happiness in your romantic relationship that I have in mine. It was worth the wait.

Authentically Yours,


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