It’s only in my 40’s I’ve realized I have had a negatively distorted body image for basically my entire adult life. I look back at photos of my 20 something self in a two piece – if not necessarily “bikini” – swimsuit and wonder what on earth I was worried about.
It’s true we are all bombarded with media images of beautiful women in Hollywood who work out a lot and have personal trainers (I recently read that Gywneth Paltrow works out for two hours every day and hates it, but considers it part of her job) and have Botox injections and cosmetic surgery, etc.
I like looking at these beautiful women too, okay? Just for one example, I am amazed by Cher. Who clearly has a really good surgeon and takes very good care of her body.
I am equally amazed by Annette Bening, whom some may say snagged the perennial bachelor (Warren Beatty), has probably had no facial surgery, and looks just as beautiful with lines on her face and takes very good care of her body.
My breasts were very small as I was coming into womanhood. Looking in the shower or bath from the age of 13 through like 19, I kept wondering if I would EVER get breasts that amounted to anything. Around the age of 21 (I must say my breast size was never an issue in my sex life – it only was in my own mind), I simply accepted my small breasts. It never occurred to me to have an augmentation. In my 30’s, I finally found a bra size, Nearly A, that actually fit right! I was thrilled! Bought two of those comfortable bras with no underwire before the line was discontinued and essentially wore them out.
Guess what? My breasts are a bit bigger now that I’m getting closer to 50. And I love them! But so is my waistline and my belly! And I don’t love that so much. So go figure…
I am seeing a naturopath about the weight gain and GI digestive issues (so this isn’t totally vanity!) and have a more nutritional path to follow. Yet I still haven’t quite figured out how to love my body exactly as it is in any given moment. I’m pretty sure it’s not about learning something, rather about releasing something.
In the meantime, here’s to an awesome Godwalk!
Authentically Yours,
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