Sunday, November 25, 2012

Simply Authentic...your soul voice is calling. What I would say to my 13-year-old self

What I would say to my 13-year-old self

Here I am on my 13th birthday. Nice glasses, huh? The cake looks better. :)
You may recall I asked four questions in the last post.

1. First, try and sum you up in about three sentences, if you feel you have a calling, that kind of thing.

2. What does living an authentic life mean to you? Where in your life do you feel the most authentic? The least?

3. Can you describe a situation you have experienced wherein you felt you were being asked to be less or different than who you authentically are? How did you respond? Do you have suggestions for others who may find themselves in a similar situation?

4. If you were to go back to, say, your 13-year-old self right now, and tell her what you wished someone would have told her or that she would have already embraced (maybe she already had) at that age, what would it be?

As I was writing these questions for Gina, I realized I had some answers of my own. In particular for my 13-year-old self.

-Always speak your gut truth, compassionately and respectfully.

-See, feel, honor, and respect your emotions, and allow yourself to express and release them, whatever those emotions are.

-Trying to make someone “like you” or to “fit in” is an exercise in futility. Just express sincere, compassionate interest in other people, and you will be fine.

-If you have a burning desire in your heart to create or do something, create or do it. Don’t worry about anything beyond that, just do the creating part and the rest will take care of itself.

Me, age 13, with my cousin Amy and horse Princess. 
Authentically Yours, Laura

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