Everyone dreams, but some people (those who say they don’t dream) don’t remember them. This is my understanding from personal experience, reading and talking with others. Since dreams are messages from the flowing unconscious – when our minds shut down and our bodies are resting – I’m interested in understanding dreams more fully.
I have a rich dream life, typically remembering at least one dream every morning. I have dreamt about (celebrities) having popcorn with Kurt Russell and a bunch of other people while watching a movie, sitting on a couch that curled like the late 1960’s. Having a sleepover with Julia Roberts at Oprah’s place with a pillow fight while jumping on the bed. Having an amazing jump off the end of a dock into water where Tom Cruise guided me through a bunch of various sea debris along the side of a high cliff with trees on the top.
I have dreamt about (water) being on massive ship-like structures and other things that seemed like water park slides in the most unlikely of places. In my dreams at times I was high, high above the water and there were things (other boats, structures, debris) – below, in the water – that seemed scary to me and I didn’t want to jump.
I dream about sex like everybody; recently I dreamed I had a penis in each hand, and I don’t think I even knew who the two belonged to. In another my fiancé and I were having sex on an ornate bench with a richly colored cushion, under covers, in this elaborate ancient hotel-like setting with lots of balconies and open areas. Other people were probably having sex on their own ornate benches with richly colored cushions, under covers, but we were all into what we were doing and didn’t really notice.
I have dreamt about not being able to sleep over and over, although not in months now. Those were consistently some of my most agitating dreams—dreaming that I couldn’t sleep while I was clearly sleeping because I was dreaming! Almost always, there was a close family member (or an ex-family member from my marriage before I was divorced) in those dreams. They were almost always in a house with many rooms – which I kept going into to see if I could sleep there – and varied outside settings, sometimes…on water.
I have THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DREAMS: Julia & Derek Parker, which has been helpful in trying to understand the messages from my dreams.
A couple years ago a colleague loaned me a book I loved so much I later ordered a copy for myself. WHERE PEOPLE FLY and WATER RUNS UPHILL: USING DREAMS TO TAP THE WISDOM OF THE UNCONSCIOUS –Jeremy Taylor. Mr. Taylor worked with individuals and groups for over 20 years before he wrote this book…including even bringing dream work into San Quinton prison where the internal lives (these guys were not getting out) of the prisoners were changed dramatically.
Creating a dream circle is on my bucket list. (So is spending two weeks in Tuscany, becoming fluent in Spanish, actually utilizing the mediator certification I received about two years ago, etc. So I don’t know exactly when it will happen.)
What I do know is our dreams are messages from the Divine unconscious mind. By more fully receiving them and acting on these messages, we will come even closer to our richest, authentic inner nature.
Authentically Yours,
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